6 steps to scale with soul into 10k months and beyond 

These are the exact 6 areas I focused on to create my first $10,000 month and sustain $9-11k months thereafter. Before I built in these 6 foundational pillars I was earning around $3-4k per month and I was feel overwhelmed and at capacity. I was also unsure of what I should be doing to grow my business and was taking a lot of unfocused action which led to spinning my wheels and feeling depleted. I knew I wanted to grow my business, I knew my soul wanted to guide me towards more freedom and abundance but didn’t have the road map to move to where I wanted to go. Feeling stuck, sucks! Thats why I care so deeply about offering this template, that you can of course take a run with, in 10k and beyond!

Lets get into the pillars;

  1. Become self sourced and soul aligned. 

Your Soul is leading you, guiding you directly into your desires. If you desire a thriving and abundant soul business, you already have access to the pathway into that. Trusting your souls guidance begins by establishing a steady connection to your intuition and higher guidance. A simple practice to begin this is to channel or free-write every day from your higher self. You can begin by asking a question and then coming back to the present moment and allowing whatever messages want to flow, to be written out on your page. Do this every day for a week and notice how much more connected to your soul you feel.

To become self sourced its a matter of closing down energetic leaks within your business. Maybe there is a program you’ve been running that no longer feels aligned. Perhaps you are feeling a sense of rebirth or a new era of your work is ready to come forward. Trust what feels exciting and move toward it. Equally, trust what no longer resonates and make the moves (you know you’ve been putting off!) to close down the spaces and procedures that are draining your energy. 

  1. Establish a strong brand

Branding extends far beyond your colour palette and aesthetics. Your brand is what your business and you are known for. This is something you get to intentionally choose and create yourself. What are you an expert in? What are you the queen of helping your clients with? What is your signature gift and how do you share it? Here are 4 branding pillars you can explore to establish a strong brand presence. 

The mission- Being plugged into the big vision helps you to remain clear when making decisions big and small within your business. Your mission acts as your North Star and will guide you into the direction you desire to go- daily. 

Journal on: What is your ultimate mission? What is the big vision? 

Values & Voice- Being clear on your business values and how they feed into the everyday actions you take within your business will hep you to cultivate a brand that walks its talk. This builds trust with your soul clients.

Journal on: What do you stand for? What are your brand values? How do you showcase these in your marketing?

Soul Clients - A successful business solves problems. This doesn’t mean you need to be highlighting your clients problems and pain points in your marketing (thats so 2020) It actually means you are aware of their problem and you are sharing the solution or desired outcome. Desire led marketing is based on empowerment and attraction. When you speak to the empowered soul of your clients and you share what is possible for them to step into (through your work) your content becomes an activation. Your clients feel seen already in their power which helps them to make the most empowered decisions for their path forward.

Journal on: Who are you here to serve? What is her biggest problem? What solution are you offering? 

Identity- The visual translation of all of the above. Your brand aesthetic should really emphasise the woman your client is desiring to become. As well as highlighting your Business strengths and brand values. One of my core brand values is empowerment. I had a recent brand photoshoot that was the epitome of feminine empowerment. These photos are now a core aspect of my visual aesthetic along with sacred symbols. 

Journal on: What could the visual representation of your brand values look like? How can you cultivate a brand where your soul clients recognise themselves in their desires?

  1. Offering suite

After many years of launching programmes and offerings at a whim I have became a lot more intentional about what I put out into the world and my offering suite as a whole. Less is more when it comes to creating a scalable six figure + soul business. My decisions around what I offer are now centred on clarity, and purpose. I have simplified my offerings into 3 core spaces my membership, my mastermind and my mentorship, and this is what I direct most of my marketing and content creation towards. A simplified offer suite that is designed to meet your soul clients where THEY are on their journey, whether they want to learn more about what it would be like to work with you or whether they are ready for the full activating experience of 1:1 work together, you have spaces for them to join. Some may join you in your free offering or binge your podcast then join your lower tier masterclass or membership. Others will want to dive straight into 1:1 with you. Having a clear pathway that clients can ascend along is an important aspect of building a sustainable business structure. You don’t want to feel as though you are starting from scratch every time you launch something, or when each month ticks over. A smart and scalable offer suite that delivers an exceptional experience ensures reoccurring revenue and retaining clients.

  1. Marketing magnetism 

Im known for my gentle approach to marketing. Gentle marketing is a more feminine approach to marketing. Focused on longer form content creation and methods of marketing that feel heart centred and aligned. This is what gentle marketing is not; - Wishy Washy (gentle marketing can be highly focused and intentional) - Passive (gentle marketing can include powerful calls to action that lead keen clients directly into a sale - Weak (gentle marketing can connect deeply with your soul clients building an instant sense of authority, authenticity and trust. Feeling in alignment is a highly valued aspect of running a soul led business and I have seen marketing (especially on social media) as something that a lot of women struggle to feel aligned with. They feel like they have to ‘play the algorithm game’ or ‘fit into the box’ of successful social media marketing in order to gain traction (and followers) and grow their businesses. I still use social media but I give it WAY less weight than I used too. Now its a platform I show up and play on if I feel called. Most of my offical ‘marketing strategy’ is focused on creating what I want and the way I want too through my podcast, blog and Pinterest. These platforms bring much more creative freedom and they appeal immensely to my feminine and gentle way of being. Its also incredibly powerful and successful. My website traffic has grown year after year along with sales and income through this approach. 

  1. Money and Manifestation

Money is a neutral and limitless resource. It is the stories we hold about money that reflect in our experiences with money. Tell a new story and you will have a new experience. So much of financial expansion in business is an internal game. Yes you can absolutely create the channels for money to flow easily into your business by structuring your offerings to scale (this is what we anchor in, within my Soul Muse Mastermind) but ultimately it comes back to your internal stories, patterns and habits of thought around money. The best way to see what programmes and habits you have running within your vibration is to see whats manifesting around you. If you have moments where the money is not flowing in continuously, where are you still believing that the money won’t come to you easily? If you keep hitting the same income ceiling, what are you telling yourself about your capacity to receive? When you align to your souls desire for abundance and expansion you will automatically be shown what stories and vibration you’ve been holding by what may come forward as resistance. The moment this resistance comes forward, celebrate! Because it means you are now able to SEE it and therefore MOVE BEYOND it. You’re in an upgrade phase. What you desire to create in your business, more freedom, easeful financial flow, momentum, expansion - is all available to you. NOW.

  1. Power and Leadership

You are the leading energy in your business. Where you focus your frequency matters. Having a daily practice where you are calibrating to the higher vision of your business and embodying that version of you is important to lead yourself into the new. As you take action steps in alignment with your vision you start to see it anchoring into form. It is through the small, consistent daily actions that you see the biggest results over time. Holding your power is available to you in all moments and through all seasons of your business. The more you stand in your power and call your power back, from the people or situations you have sent it to, the more steady you become in your frequency. No one is immune to challenges, its how you choose to view them and navigate them that matters most. I have found time and again that the more I hold my power through a challenge, the quicker I am able to move through it. This is because I remain solution orientated, instead of getting lost in ‘why is this happening to me?’ mode. Holding your power in all moments allows you to be an even more powerful leader.

With these 6 pillars you have the foundation to build and scale your soul led business. These are the exact foundations we anchor in within my 6 month mastermind for the COSMIC Creatress ready to stand in the POWER of her work & build a THRIVING business based on her GIFTS. See more 


The new paradigm of marketing your soul work.


The new era of soul business